Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Explorer

I once had my kids Dora toothbrush turn on and my bag began to vibrate very loudly. I decided to ignore the noise for the rest of the ride.

- Phildelphia
Submitted by Ashley

The Just Plain Strange

I like to whisper to people that I have new socks on.

- Philadelphia
Submitted by Joe

The Phone

I was talking on my phone in the elevator with 1 other women in it.

When I hung up I said:
"It's weird the phones work in the elevators here."

"What?" she said.

"My phone. It's strange it works in the elevator."

"Oh, mine doesn't." she said.


"It's good yours does though." she said.

And then I got off the elevator.

- 40th and Madison
Submitted by Tara

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The One Armed Man

I stepped into an elevator. There was a man in there with one arm.
The door began to close and we heard a woman yell, "Hold the elevator."
He reached out with his one arm to stop the door from closing.
A ballsy one, he was.

- Chicago
Submitted by Jeremy of

The Obvious

My favorite thing to do when in an elevator is say out loud: God, it's so awkward in here!

- Backpacking through Europe
Submitted by Liz of LiztheGirl

image stolen from here

The Slightly Insane

I don't know if this counts but...

When I'm in a full elevator. Everybody kind of faces the door, right?
Well, I like to make fun faces or pretend I'm singing.
It makes me laugh.

But I guess that makes the ride awkward for others, not me.

- Spain
Submitted by Ainara of This Is Not Going To Last

image stolen from here

The Bash

So I am about to get in an elevator with a guy today and his shirt on the back says:
Bachelor Bash '09 Fort Lauderdale FL

I say to him, "How was the bash?"

He said, "What?"

I said, "Your shirt."

He said, "Oh its not mine."

I said, "Your shirt?"

He said, "Its my roommates."

I said, "Oh, did he enjoy the bash?"

He said, "I don't know."

Then it was awkward for 2 floors and then I got off.

- 40th and Madison
Submitted by Tara

The Squirelly One

I got in the elevator a couple months ago...and there was this weird squirrely looking woman. I looked at the elevator buttons and she had pressed all of them.

This fucking 50 year old woman had pushed all the buttons!!! And I looked at her and said
"Really lady? really?"

She got off on the next floor and I had to ride the entire way up.

- 26th and Madison
Submitted by Jed of Chats with Jed and Sara